data-science-live-book funModeling: New site, logo and version 🚀 funModeling is focused on exploratory data analysis, data preparation and the evaluation of models. Check the latest functions and website here :)
R redshiftTools v1.0.0 - CRAN Release! A new version of the package redshiftTools has arrived with improvements and it's now available in CRAN! This package let's you efficiently upload data into an Amazon Redshift database using the approach recommended
tibble How to apply a function to a matrix/tibble Scenario: we got a table of id-value, and a matrix/tibble that contains the id, and we need the labels. It may be useful when predicting the Key (or Ids) of in a
rstats Tutorial instalación R y RStudio Este tutorial tiene como propósito hacer el set-up inicial para empezar a desarrollar modelos machine learning en increíble lenguaje R.
rstats Exploratory Data Analysis & Data Preparation with 'funModeling' funModeling quick-start This package contains a set of functions related to exploratory data analysis, data preparation, and model performance. It is used by people coming from business, research, and teaching (professors and students)
R A comprehensive guide to connect R to Amazon Redshift Amazon Redshift is one of the hottest databases for Data Warehousing right now, it's one of the most cost-effective solutions available, and allows for integration with many popular BI tools. Unfortunately, the status
rstats Data discretization made easy with funModeling tl;dr: Convert numerical variables into categorical, as it is shown in the next image. ⏳ Reading time ~ 6 min. Let's start! The package funModeling (from version > 1.6.6) introduces two functions—
R xray: The R Package to Have X Ray Vision on your Datasets This package lets you analyze the variables of a dataset, to evaluate how the data is shaped. Consider this the first step when you have your data for modeling, you can use this
data science Data Science Live Book (open source) ~ new big release! 200-pages Well after some time, and +300 commits, this is the biggest release of the Data Science Live Book! (open source), after the first publication more than 1 year ago :) tl;dr: Hi there!