funModeling: New site, logo and version 🚀

Hi there!

{tl;dr} Website, here

In case you don't know funModeling is the package I've been developing during the last years.

It's focused on exploratory data analysis, data preparation and the evaluation of models.


Yesterday I published the latest version which fixes one of the plots in cross_plot. But that's not as funny as the announcement of its new logo!

Also... I added the coord_plot, useful when we are profiling any clustering model:

coord_plot(data=mtcars2, group_var="cluster", group_func=median, print_table=TRUE)

You can choose the summarization function (mean by default). Yeah... no more outlier biases in the mean, long live the percentiles!

Oh... and coord_plot produces, at the same time, a table with the results:

And it shows the underlying funModeling philosophy: little code, graphics and a table with results (easier to operate 🦾).

Blog posts based on funModeling:

Official page

Learn Data Science

You can learn and apply more functions using the Data Science Live Book. And buy a digital copy (name your price), here.

Speak Spanish? Want to study #ML? 👉

Do you use funModeling for teaching? Please contact me I want to know more :)

That's all for now!

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