Integrating R and Telegram
Hi there!
tl;dr: Some models (deep learning) take a long time to finish. Even some data preparation scripts. We can be notified that the process ended by Telegram sending messages from R.
Get notified by Telegram bot
This section is entirely based on the documentation of package, by Ernest Benedito. Please visit the site to get used of the full capabilities of this package.
The idea of getting notify by Telegram is we can see the notification either on our cellphone or in the web version.
Step 1: Create a bot
Find @BotFather
on telegram. Send the message: \start
. Then \newbot
. And follow the instructions.
Save the bot token and never share publicly.
Step 2: Set-up the bot
After your bot is created. You have to send the message \start
. And the bot is finally configurated!
Step 3: Use it with R
Put the bot token in the .Renviron
user_renviron <- path.expand(file.path("~", ".Renviron"))
This should look something like this:

Now restart R.
# install.packages("")
# Initiate the bot session using the token from the enviroment variable.
bot = Bot(token = bot_token('arbot_bot'))
# The first time, you will need the chat id (which is the chat where you will get the notifications)
updates = bot$getUpdates()
> updates
update_id message.message_id message.from.is_bot message.from.first_name message.from.last_name
1 639401623 1 174860321 FALSE admin admin
2 639401624 2 174860321 FALSE admin admin
1 en-US 174860321 admin admin private 1540571205
2 en-US 174860321 admin admin private 1540571208
message.text message.entities
1 /start 0, 6, bot_command
2 hello NULL
Time to use in the R workflow! We will send a test message and a plot:
Note 1: chat_id
Note 2: R_TELEGRAM_BOT_{the name of your bot}
# Sending text
message_to_bot=sprintf('Process finished - Accuracy: %s', 0.99)
bot$sendMessage(chat_id = 174860321, text = message_to_bot)
# Sending image (we need to save it first)
my_plot=ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=mpg)) + geom_histogram(bins = 5)
ggplot2::ggsave("my_plot.png", my_plot)
bot$sendPhoto(chat_id = 174860321, photo = 'my_plot.png')
The results on telegram web:

Note: I also tested: telegram package and it works. However the seems more complete due to the bot options.
Check the full list of options to interact with the bot 🤖.
Get notified by sound
Another way of getting notified is by producing a sound: 🔔 beep!
# install.packages("beepr")
## do some stuff, and...

Thanks for reading 🚀
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